Signs of Spring on Salt Spring Island

I took a walk through Vesuvius while waiting for the ferry this past weekend. While the hassle of coming and going tied to the schedule, taking opportunities to enjoy the surroundings when waiting makes the time seem more like a gift than a drawback. It's all about perspective, right?

vesuvius ferry terminal salt spring island
Spring flowers on Salt Spring Island snowdrops

Strolling along the sunlit streets toward the sea, sharing the moments with my young companion, we were struck by the sight of a tree bursting with Spring blossoms of pink and white. We both agreed - we needed to stop and observe this tree for a spell.

As I started snapping with my camera at the blooms, my walking partner excitedly pointed out that we were not the only ones interested in the flowers bursting open. There were many buzzing visitors sipping nectar and busily collecting nectar and pollen.

honey bee flying to blossoming flowers on tree

It's amazing what you can miss if you're moving. There is power in pausing. Life is like a tidepool - if you stop and stay still for a moment, letting your senses adjust, magic starts to emerge from all around you. Magic you never would have known existed if you didn't take the time to let it be.

tiny honey bee on a flowering tree with blue sky

To simply bee, in this case. (My rule of thumb: never let an opportunity to employ a good pun pass by.)

honey bee bum stinger pointing out of apple blossoms

And so, we watched them. We observed the tiny creatures of huge impact as they worked. We sat in awe at the feeling of being in the midst of so much beauty. So much life. So much wonder.

honey bee on apple blossoms Vancouver Island BC Canada

Then we moved along, as we always do sooner or later. Nothing lasts for ever. If it did, we'd lose that sense of awe and wonder, no doubt.

vesuvius bay salt spring island BC Canada
jumping over waves at the beach in blue rainboots

Except for these moments, saved for revisiting and reflecting on later. Captured to share with you. To share with my future self.

honey bee in Canada sipping nectar from flowering tree blossoms in spring
honey bee sipping nectar from flowers in spring on Salt Spring Island BC Canada
blossom honey bee photography Salt Spring Island

A delectable gift from past me, provided by mother nature and Nikon. Forever thankful for the opportunities to be alive, and to create.

spring flowering trees on salt spring island photography
Vesuvius Bay Salt Spring Island BC Canada Photography
Vesuvius Bay on Salt Spring Island BC in the Southern Gulf Islands
Little library for free books on Salt Spring Island BC
Fairy door post office Salt Spring Island, BC
Salt Spring Island landscape photography
bees and blossoms on salt spring island photography
Signs on Spring on Salt Spring Island BC Canada photography